Marché de Noël

Chers parents,

Les vacances de noël arrivent, pour finir en beauté cette année nous organisons Le marché de Noël, le jeudi 21 décembre et le vendredi 22 décembre de 16h à 18h.

Venez découvrir les stands de vente d’idées cadeaux de noël, ainsi que partager un bon moment autour de boissons chaudes tout en dégustant diverses sucreries (bonbons, crêpes, biscuits).

Tous les fonds récoltés permettront aux enfants de CM2 de financer une partie de leur voyage scolaire de fin d’année.

Venez nombreux !!

Premier cours de théâtre

Lundi 25 septembre, nous avons eu notre premier cours de théâtre avec Clément! C’était une découverte pour toutes et tous et nous avons tous participé activement à la séance.

Clément nous a fait découvrir l’histoire d’un petit éléphant! Nous devions répéter après lui ce qu’il disait et imiter les différents personnages. Certains étaient en colère, d’autres étaient joyeux ou encore peureux… Nous avons joué tels de vrais comédiens.

Vivement la prochaine fois!!!

IV Olympiades de l’Ecole Villa Hélène

Les Dieux de l’Olympe ont été cléments avec les petits athlètes de la Villa Hélène pour cette quatrième édition des Olympiades qui s’est tenue le dimanche 14 mai. Au programme sous un soleil radieux, parcours du combattant, relais, course en sac et autres activités collectives avec, en clôture, le traditionnel cross. La journée s’est terminée dans la bonne humeur autour d’un goûter partagé avec les parents et la remise des prix. Comme le souligne Nicolas Verplanck, président des parents d’élèves (APEL), « cette journée est devenu en quatre éditions un événement majeur de l’année avec en moyenne 120 enfants et plus de quarante parents bénévoles autour des deux organisatrices, Claire Doutaz et Florence Videau ».


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Traditional Ukrainian Wedding outfit and Practices

The Ukrainian marriage ceremony is known for the purpose of the shiny atmosphere plus the cheerfulness in the bride and groom. The groom’s family is certainly believed to currently have prepared a dowry chest for his bride since younger years. It is normal for the bride to acquire the wedding rings. Regardless of her budget, the bride should purchase these people. Even contemporary Ukrainian wedding events have some traditions which were once as well as the old people. Here are some tips to consider:

To begin with, it is important to grasp that most Ukrainians are Orthodox Christians. As such, most Ukrainian weddings adhere to this church’s customs. They get married to after a community center ceremony, including a « betrothal » – a religious ceremony that unites the couple. Typically, the star of the wedding is normally dressed in a regular Ukrainian wedding dress. Clothes may be made of the variety of substances. It can be constructed from various substances and will include a variety of patterns and ornaments.

While most contemporary Ukrainian marriages are principally modern, the bride will wear a light dress and a dark-colored suit. Yet , there are a few Ukrainian-style elements that can be incorporated into the clothing. In the classic Ukrainian wedding ceremony, brides will wear a bridal headpiece known as a vinok. When this custom is still used, some wedding brides like to replace the veil which has a white bow. Many brides may also opt to incorporate embroidered elements into the bridal dress and bridal party shirts. In addition , flower girls typically wear Ukrainian-style blouses and dresses as well.

Among various other traditions, a bride’s headdress can be an essential the main ceremony. Prior to wedding, mothers will cover large silver and gold coins underneath the marriage towel as a signal of safety and happiness for their children and future husband. In addition , the bride is expected to quit the bath towel out of the church by using her foot, hence influence girls to marry. The marriage towel may be a traditional memento of the wedding. This kind of item is additionally important inside the bride’s your life, as it signifies protection and prosperity.

Another classic Ukrainian marriage ritual is the Korovai preparing. The Korovai is a traditional marriage ceremony bread created using wheat flour. While distinct regions of Ukraine have different traditions, they each represent the same thing: the city blessing for the newlyweds. It will always be done on a Fri or Weekend before the wedding day. Families in both groups take part in the ritual, while it really is symbolic in the union of two households.

Another important aspect of a Ukrainian wedding ceremony is the matrimony blessing. The newlyweds will probably be blessed by their parents, family members, and good friends before the feast day begins. After the ceremony, the couple will go to the registry business office to register their marriage. Eventually, the few will walk down the aisle symbolizing equivalent partners and their unity. They will be offered crowns to be a symbol with their marriage and long term family. In case the bride and groom aren’t comfortable with the commemoration, the Soyuzivka will be glad to help them plan a Ukrainian marriage ceremony.